#Chicken with #Sherry Vinegar and #Tarragon …

Whilst we are all still waiting patiently for Spring, try this take on the French classic poulet au vinaigre. The Tarragon flavours the chicken with a mild aniseed that the sweet mixture of sherry and sherry vinegar balances perfectly.   Use chicken thighs if you can,  they are cheap, full of flavour and juicer than the other joints of a chicken.  This is quick to prepare but tastes as though it has taken you hours!

Serve with crusty bread or any type of potatoes with some boiled green peas and mint.  

This is how we do it …

  • Allow 2 or 3 chicken thighs per person, skin on is best to get the rich golden colour
  • 150 ml of sherry vinegar
  • 450 ml of sherry – we used Waitrose cream sherry, but any medium dry will work
  • 5 small onions or 12 shallots
  • oil for frying
  • 4-6 springs of fresh tarragon leaves
  1. Heat some oil in a frying pan, season the chicken thighs and  fry the chicken.  Do this in several batches so it browns well and takes on a nutty golden colour.  Remove these from the pan to a plate.  A lot of oil will come out of the chicken when you are frying it.  Drain this off periodically.
  2. Add the onions or shallots to the pan and brown these too.
  3. Arrange the chicken thighs in a shallow casserole dish, add the onions or shallots, scatter the tarragon leaves over the chicken and pour in the sherry and sherry vinegar.  Leave to come to the boil and then gently simmer on the top of the cooker for 45 minutes.
  4. When its ready, transfer the onions and chicken to a warm serving dish.
  5. Reduce the sauce and stir in some creme fraiche.   Pour over the chicken and scatter any remaining tarragon leaves over the top.

So good!