We want to Create a Blog – the Journey Begins!

So this is how we started out!

We were talking one day … wanting a change of lifestyle, thinking about our lives in general,  when we had the flash of inspiration- why did it have to be just the teenagers blogging and making an impression ? We could do it too!

The borrowers was born!

We both have families, pets and outside interests as well as work to juggle, but we yearn sometimes for a slower pace of life with a simpler footprint on the earth by #reusing and #recycling and generally making the most of what we have!

Well then why not share our joys, triumphs, challenges and calamities with others who are like minded! Our journey begins ….by just starting to blog, tweet, Facebook and Instagram our thoughts and ideas.  We feel that an online daily digest of interesting and miscellaneous facts and have a go ideas could be interesting and some might find useful! – hopefully along the way you may get ideas and inspiration for your day to day living and lifestyle!

So take two women and their families and try lots of things out, take lots of photos and try to document everything! We are at the start of our journey, we hope that you find it interesting and share our enthusiasm!  We are learning all the time about ourselves, our lives and the impact we have on the world, so if you want to join in our adventure do follow us, we are posting regularly about a myriad of topics which we find interesting and challenging.

Some are lifestyle ideas – fun and frivolous, others are more serious , there are foody tips, gardening extracts and home ideas too. We are not experts but we are unashamedly curious and enthusiastic and love to get involved and have a go at most things, to make our lives fun and enjoy the moment!

The borrowers idea came from the books by Mary Norton, as the characters #reuse, #mend, #recycle and #re-purpose to sustain themselves and it is now our mission statement! What better idea is there.

theborrowers philosophy

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